Bio-data of Dr. B.S. Negi
Contact Address: C-22/9, Jeewan Bima Nagar
Borivli (W)
Bombay 400 103
Phone: (91) (22) 8958709
1988 Ph.D. in Science, University of Mumbai, India.
Thesis: "Elemental composition of Aerosols and their
sources in India"
M.Sc. in Physics, Unversity of Agra, India.
1969-2001 Bhabha Atomic Reseach Centre, Environmental Assessment Division, Mumbai.
Work involved:
Development of radiation protection instrumentation and nucleonic gauges for in situ measurements of soil density, moisture, thickness of articles using various radioisotopes.
Nuclear and related Techniques in Environmental pollution Monitoring:
Analysis of Environmental samples (air particulates on filters, soil, coal, coal ash from thermal power plants, vegetation and water) for toxic elements using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Techniques.
Techniques of collection, preparation and processing of environmental samples. Development of air particulate samplers- low and high volume TSP and PM-10 samplers.
Data generated from the measurements were also analyzed statistically using computer programmes like Factor Analysis to predict sources of pollutants in the environment at the sampling sites. Preparation of environmental assessment reports.
Besides, I have acquired the expertise in the repairs and installation of the Si(Li) and HPGe detector based x ray and gamma ray spectrometric systems used for the above measurements. I was instrumental in the development of a laboratory for troubleshooting and repair of HPGe and Si(Li) detector capsule comprising cooled FET, feed back circuits including pre-amplifiers.
The following is the list of publications most relevant to my work.
4.1 Journal Articles
1. S.K.Sethi and B.S.Negi, " X-Ray Emission Intensities of Radioisotopes produced by Neutron Activation": X-Ray Spectroscopy; Vol. 9, No.4, pp159-162, 1980.
2. S.Sadasivan, B.S.Negi and U.C.Mishra, " Composition and sources of aerosols at Trombay, Bombay": The Science of Total Environment; Vol. 40, pp 279-286, 1984.
3. U.C.Mishra, S.Gopalakrishnan and B.S.Negi, " Globel movement of radioactive debris from Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Test": Mausam; Vol. 36, No.1, pp39-42,1985.
4. S.Sadasivan, B.S.Negi and U.C.Mishra, " Atmospheric lead levels in some Indian cities" : Indian J. Environ. Hlth.; Vol. 29, No.4, pp 280-286,1987.
5. B.S.Negi, S.Sadasivan and U.C.Mishra, " Aerosol composition and sources in urban areas in India: Atmos": Environ.; Vol.21, No.6, pp 1259-1266,1987.
6. B.S.Negi, S.Sadasivan and U.C.Mishra, " Factor analysis in the interpretation of aerosol composition data": Indian J. Environ. Hlth. Vol. 31, No.1, pp32-42, 1988
7. T.N.Mahadevan, B.S.Negi and V.Meenakshy, " Measurements of elemental composition of aerosol matter and precipitation from a remote background site in India": Atmospheric Environment; Vol. 23, No.4, pp869-874, 1989.
8. S.Sadasivan and B.S.Negi, " Frequency distribution of TSPM and trace elements in aerosols in some Indian cities": Indian J. Environ.Hlth.; Vol. 32, No.1, pp 219-224, 1990.
9. S.Sadasivan and B.S.Negi, " Elemental characterisation of flyash from coal fired thermal power plants in India: The Science of the Total Environment": Vol. 103, pp151-158,1991.
10. B.S.Negi, S.Sadasivan and K.S.V.Nambi (EAD), B.M.Pande (CD), BARC, " Characterisation of Atmospheric Dust at Gurushikar, Mt. abu": Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: Vol. 40, No.3, pp 253-259, 1996.
11. B.S.Negi, V.Meenakshy and T.M.Krishnamoorthy, " K0 Method of quantification in Neutron Activation Analysis as applied to Environmental Samples": Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 47, pp 303-313, 1997.
12. B.S.Negi, R.R.Kamath and T.M.Krishnamoorthy, " Study of Gross beta Activity in Ambient air at a few locations in India": Bulletin of Radiological Protection (In Press).
13. B.S.Negi, S.K.Jha, S.B.Chavan, S.Sadasivan (EAD), A.Goel, M.L.Sapru and C.L.Bhat (HRL), BARC, " Atmospheric dust loads and their Elemental Composition at a background site in India": Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 01, pp 1-6, 2001.
click here for a complete list of my publications4.2 Conference Articles
1. B.S.Negi, S.Sadasivan and U.C.Mishra, " Source characterization of Aerosols for a few cities in India by Multivariate Analysis and EDXRF Method": National Seminar on Environmental Pollution Control and Monitoring, Chandigarh, India, October 21-23, 1986.
2. B.S.Negi and V.Meenakshy, " Elemental Composition of Flyash from Indian Power Plants": Proceedings of International Seminar on Environmental Impact of Coal Utilization - from raw material to waste resources", IIT Bombay, Jan. 14-15, pp 115-119, 1991.
3. B.S.Negi, V.Meenakshy, S.Sadasivan, T.M.Krishmoorthy and K.S.V.Nambi, " Composition and distribution of fine particulate aerosols in Mumbai city area": Proc. of an International Symposium on Harmonization of Health related Environmental measurements using Nuclear and isotopic techniques Organised bt IAEA and held in Hyderabad (India): IAEA, Vienna, pp 499-508, 1997.
4. S.K Jha, S.Chavan and B.S.Negi, " Fluxes and residence times of different Toxic Trace Elements in the Thane Creek": Proc. of Symposium on Analytical Techniques in Monitoring of Environment, Tirupthy (India),pp348-353, 2000.
5. S.K.Jha, G.G.pandit, S.B.Chavan and B.S.Negi, "RNAA Method for estimation of total mercury in the environmental samples- A preliminary study." Tenth National Symposium on Environment, pp122-125, 2001.
1. I was a member (subject expert) of the interview committees for promoting Scientists in the Department of Atomic Energy .
2. I took lectures on the use of nuclear and allied techniques in pollution monitoring for Environmental and Civil Engineering trainees in the Training School run by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
1. I represented India in the Interregional advance Training course on Applications of Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Air Pollution at Argonne National Laboratory, USA. The course was sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency for member states. Twenty scientists from various countries participated in the course.
The course incorporated lectures and experiments on the state of the art techniques in this field including softwares used in data analysis. The lectures included:
2. EDXRF(energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence), WDXRF wave length dispersive x-ray fluorescence), PIXE (particle induced x-ray emission), EPMA (electron probe micro analysis), TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XPS (x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), TRXRF(total reflection x-ray fluorescence), Synchrotron X-ray Spectrometry for chemical analysis like EXAFS (extended x ray absorption fine structure), XANES (x ray absorption near edge structure).
3. Specific techniques for speciation like NMR spectroscopy, anodic stripping voltametry and radioactive tracers.
1. Research guide for M.Sc. students from University of Mumbai, India.
2. I have been a referee for the International Journal - "Environmental Monitoring & Assessment" published by Kluwer academic publishers, Netherlands.
3. Project reviewer for research projects for various Indian Universities funded by Ministry of Environment, Govt. of India.
4. Member of Nuclear Society of India.
5. Member of Indian Aerosol Science society.
1. Dr.U.C.Mishra,
(Ex) Director, Health Safety and Environment Group
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Trombay, Mumbai-400 085
Tel: (91)(22)7802558
2. Dr. Rohit Negi
Asstt. Professor
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Melon University, Pittsburg, PA-15217,
Tel: 1-412-5217-834